Effectiveness of Giving Back Massage to The Quality of Sleep for The Elderly

According to Stanley and Beare (2007) there are changes in the elderly that greatly affect the entire body system, namely changes in the five sense system, integumentary system, musculoskeletal system, neurological system, cardiovascular system, pulmonary system, endocrine system, renal and urinary systems and psychological changes. However, there is one change in the elderly that is very influential on their physical condition, namely changes in sleep quality. Changes in sleep quality in the elderly are caused by the declining physical abilities of the elderly. The decrease in physical ability results in the body's resistance and immunity being affected (Prasadja, 2009).

Poor Quality of Sleep in The Elderly
Poor sleep quality is currently still not in the spotlight of the wider community as something serious. However, for people or the elderly, especially those who state that sleep is an obligation, they will surely complain that sleeplessness is a very serious problem (Damayanti, 2011).

According to the theory proposed by Potter & Perry (2009) the factors that affect sleep quality are age, gender, physical illness, drugs, lifestyle, emotional stress, environment, activity and fatigue, food and calorie intake and depression. Hoofman (2003 in Potter and Perry, 2009) expressed complaints about difficulty sleeping due to increasing age. More than 50% of elderly people aged 65 years or older report having problems with sleep. The tendency to take naps increases with age due to frequent awakenings at night.

According to Lanywati (2001) there is a very effective and very simple action in overcoming poor sleep quality for the elderly, namely by doing back massage therapy.

Massage is an action that has been perfected with the sciences of mechanical hand movements against the human body with various techniques (Trisnowiyanto, 2012). Back massage therapy is a healing effort that is safe, effective, and without harmful side effects, and can be carried out by health workers and other people who have been equipped with back massage knowledge (Firdaus, 2011).

Back massage in the elderly
The principle of healing touch in back massage shows caring behavior that can provide calm, comfort, a sense of being loved, and cared for, so that the therapeutic relationship between nurses and clients will be closer. (Mehta et al, 2016). Viewed from the psychological aspect, back massage can help improve the patient's sleep quality. This is evidenced by Rizkiana's research which states that clients who get a back massage, they feel more calm, comfortable and relaxed. The comfortable, calm and relaxed conditions will make the elderly have the desire to sleep.

According to Rizkiana's research, after being given back massage therapy, the majority of clients are in the category of rather good sleep quality, because the touch and attention given makes the client feel more comfortable and relaxed. In research, therapeutic communication is needed because at the age of the elderly, they really need friends to communicate and tell stories about the past and life stories of the elderly, so that the elderly can feel that they are being cared for even with new people they know.

Research conducted by Andjani (2016) states that there is an influence on the blood pressure of the elderly after back massage therapy and back massage therapy can provide a sense of calm and comfort so as to reduce blood pressure in the elderly.

According to research conducted by Cinar & Eser (2012), giving back massage for 10 minutes for 3 days before going to bed in the elderly has been shown to improve the sleep quality of the elderly due to the relaxing effect of massage.

As revealed by Potter & Perry (2009) which states that a person will fall asleep when the person feels comfortable and relaxed. Conditions like this are the sleep needs for the elderly, so that the elderly do not have difficulty sleeping and can achieve deep sleep and there is an increase in the duration and efficiency of sleep in the elderly.

Interpersonal Communication Between Nurses and The Elderly in Nursing Homes

Insomnia - Definition, Symptoms, Classification, Causes and Effects

Reference :

  • Stanley, M, & Beare, P.G. (2007).
  • Prasadja, A. (2009).
  • Trisnowiyanto, B. (2012).
  • Potter, P.A. & Perry, A.G. (2009).
  • Andjani, T.A.D. (2016).  
  • Cinar, S. & Eser, I. (2012).
  • Mehta, P., Dhapte, V., Kadam, S., Dhapte, V. (2016).

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